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You may wonder why the waist is still vulnerable to injury without carrying heavy objects.  You are not alone and many people will have the same confusion.  Orthopedic surgeons point out that this is related to some waist injury habits.  Have you made any of these mistakes? 1. Carry heavy object with one hand Like many girls always use a single hand or shoulder bag, let one side under pressure for a long time. The uneven distribution of weight can cause uneven stress on both sides of the spine and different muscle tension, which can easily injure the disc. 2. Keep one position for a...

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down pillow, health and pillow, health and sleeping, pillow, sleep quality, sleep quantity, soft bed pillow -

Growing evidence suggests that poor sleep is linked to a host of health problems, including a higher risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. Now, a recent study on people in midlife finds that having a combination of sleep problems — such as trouble falling asleep, waking up in the wee hours, or sleeping less than six hours a night — may nearly triple a person’s risk of heart disease.  "These new findings highlight the importance of getting sufficient sleep," says sleep specialist Dr. Lawrence Epstein, assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. Many things can contribute to a...

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